Land a career in technology at no cost

Full-Tuition Scholarships for qualified Houston Residents

The best paying jobs in technology are in high demand. In fact, Software Developer is the number one career choice and dubbed 'Best Job in America' for 2023.

Capital IDEA Houston is a non-profit whose mission it is to invest in underemployed adults by funding educational pathways to attain thriving careers and financial self-sufficiency.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. 18 years or older

  2. US Citizen or Permanent Resident

  3. Have GED, High School Diploma or Unofficial Transcripts

  4. Reside in the Greater Houston Metro Area

  5. Qualification is based on meeting income eligibility requirements.

Download full Capital IDEA Houston Eligibility Guidelines

Your Future is Bright

Working in software development provides a promising future. Our graduates have been hired by a variety of companies. From fintech to software to the airline industry, Houston is home to the likes of:

Learn about the best jobs for career changers.

Download the infographic to explore high paying jobs in technology. 

Is technology a good career path for you? 

Tech Elevator leads the way in helping individuals to acquire new technology skills with a focus on transitioning to a new career. Tech Elevator has partnered with Capital IDEA Houston to reskill individuals, (tuition-free), living in the Houston Metropolitan area over the next year.

You've come to the right place. We train individuals with no coding experience (and sometimes no degree) to become entry level software engineers. 

Curious about breaking into the tech industry? 

Massive Talent Shortage

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the software developer profession will grow by 26% between 2021 and 2031, resulting in nearly 1.8 million people working in this career.

Competitive Salary Range

The BLS also stated that the median annual wage for developers was $120,730 in 2021. There's never been a better time to explore this high-pay trade job opportunity. 

No 4-Year Degree

Take the fast (yet effective) track and break into the world of tech by enrolling in a coding bootcamp. You can be job ready in 14 to 30 weeks depending on the program you choose.

Work-Life Balance

Software Developers typically enjoy a healthy work-life balance with a schedule that accommodates their lifestyles.

Kickstart a fulfilling career with endless opportunities.

"The 'best job in America' pays over $120,000 a year -- and can offer a low-stress, healthy work-life balance." - MarketWatch, 2023, on software developers!

Explore the career roadmap of a software developer.

While you may start as an entry-level software engineer, the growth opportunities in development are vast. More than half of our graduates were promoted within 1.8 years in their first role. What's more, most of our alumni had zero prior coding experience; we are big believers that software developer is among the best tech jobs for career changers. 

So, would you make a great software developer?

There are various skills that serve as a strong foundation for becoming a talented coder. That’s why we developed a proprietary series of two Aptitude Tests to help identify key characteristics that we see in successful applicants, even if you have no prior coding experience. These include: problem-solving skills, critical thinking, collaboration skills, a love of learning, among other traits.

Why Tech Elevator

Tech Elevator gives bright minds the confidence and courage to change their lives and careers.

Through our full-time and part-time coding bootcamps, we teach students from diverse backgrounds to become software developers.

We help build necessary career-readiness skills and career connections through our nationally recognized Pathway Program™.

Where are Tech Elevator alumni now?

Tech Elevator’s established Alumni community is working in exciting tech roles throughout Texas. As a Tech Elevator student, you’ll have access to this alumni network for advice, resources, and mentoring opportunities as you begin a career in tech. Read the 2023 Alumni Survey Results.

Alumni Survey

1.7 Years

average time to promotion from initial tech role following graduation.


On average, at 5yrs post-graduation, our alumni reach a six-figure income.

Why Capital IDEA Houston?

Capital IDEA Houston is a non-profit whose mission it is to invest in underemployed adults by funding educational pathways to attain thriving careers and financial self-sufficiency.

employment rate


Program Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for Capital IDEA Houston's financial support, individuals must meet the eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. 18 years or older

  2. US Citizen or Permanent Resident

  3. Have GED, High School Diploma or Unofficial Transcripts

  4. Reside in the Greater Houston Metro Area

  5. Qualification is based on meeting income eligibility requirements.

Download full Capital IDEA Houston Eligibility Guidelines

Get a job with one of our Texas hiring partners:

1000+ 5-star Reviews

Graduates recommend Tech Elevator time and time again. Read reviews about their experiences in choosing Tech Elevator to transition to a career in tech.

Rick Anglin   |   2021 Graduate   |   Dallas

I was a Ranch Hand and now I'm a Software Developer at ATG Cognizant .

"I have had a long career in tech support, from roles that were customer service centric to I.T. positions that were skill intensive. But while I had the skills, I never had the education to back up those skills. Recently I found myself working at a very labor intensive position, the days were long and hard and made me the kind of sore that required a hot bath to get rid of before I got up and did it all over again. It made me miss being behind a keyboard. And so I went on a search for a bootcamp that I was sure was worth my time. Tech Elevator is the only one that I found to back their claims of putting you in the field. Verified by a third party company no less. After completing the program, I have found myself happily in a position with a top tier company. And making more than I ever have—with no ceiling in sight for growth in my career to boot."
Rick Anglin









Tech Elevator Grads are just like You

Picture yourself at Tech Elevator

Our students find success after graduating from the bootcamp

Hear from Tech Elevator National Live Remote graduate, Bianca Daniels on her journey to pursuing a career in technology.

Start your application!

Your future begins now. Elevate your career and your life.

No coding required. Test your aptitude to become a software developer.

Fill out an application and tell us about you, including your career goals.

If you pass the Aptitude Test and apply, we'll reach out to book your interview. 

Determine your financing package, place your deposit, and hold your seat!

Begin the application process:

Financing the Bootcamp with Capital IDEA Houston

Complete the Tech Elevator Admissions Process

Start by taking our 15-minute Aptitude Test. Once you pass the test you will be invited to apply to Tech Elevator. After you complete your application, you'll schedule your interview with our Admissions Team. If you're a good fit for the program, you'll be offered admission to the program.

Complete Capital Idea Houston Portal Application

Once you have completed the Tech Elevator Admissions process, you will need to submit your Capital IDEA Houston Application. This application is separate from the Tech Elevator Application and should be completed as soon as possible to ensure scholarship approval timing.

Prepare for Your National Live Remote Cohort

Once you've completed your enrollment paperwork for Tech Elevator and financing information with Capital IDEA Houston, you're ready to start! We'll send you prework, activities, and helpful tips to prepare you for Day 1 of the program. Let us know if you have additional questions about the process.

Maybe just a few more questions

Potential students often want to know more.

  • Who teaches at Tech Elevator?

    Our instructors are industry professionals with an average of 20 years working as software developers. They’re passionate about helping students start their careers in tech, and are invested in their success. Stop by an Open House to meet an instructor.

    Learn more about our instructors in this video.

  • What’s a typical day like in the bootcamp?

    Most mornings consist of lectures and learning. After we break for lunch, you get to test your skills with hands-on practice. This could consist of group work, headphones-on solo work, tutoring sessions or pairing programming assignments.

    The best way to learn is to do, so you’ll literally be coding from day one.

  • How can I prepare before bootcamp begins?

    Once you’ve been accepted into Tech Elevator, we’ll be reaching out to you for best ways to prepare with exercises recommended by our instructors. In the meantime, Stanford’s Computer Science 101 is a great place to start. It’s free and can be accessed here.

  • What if I can’t keep up with curriculum?

    In addition to your instructor in the classroom, each cohort has dedicated instructors who support extra work outside of the classroom. That means you can schedule tutoring sessions as much as you need to, ensuring you’re understanding concepts and implementing coding.

    Remember, your cohort lead and instructors have a pretty good pulse on how you’re keeping up and will work with you if you feel like you’re getting behind or struggling in any way.

  • Why do you offer Java?

    We founded Tech Elevator as a demand-driven program designed to get you into a great career in programming. Java is widely used in software development, with a consistently large number of job openings in a variety of industries worldwide.

    The Java programming language is an excellent foundation which can act as a springboard to other languages you learn as you continue to build your career.

  • What development skills will I learn at Tech Elevator?

    You will start by learning the Java programming language. By the time you graduate, you will be able to create dynamic, database-backed web applications. This will give you the foundational skills to hit the ground running as a junior web application developer.

    Specific technologies you will learn include:

    • Java
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • SQL

    You can view our school catalog for more information.

  • I need to work mostly after hours due to my work schedule, is there anyone available to help me with questions?

    • We offer support M-F 8am – Midnight and weekend support from 8am – 9pm (Eastern time).
    • This is done through the same ticketing system used by all remote students during their cohorts.
  • What happens if I do not complete prework?

    It is highly recommended that you complete prework, as it is a proven indicator of success later in the program. If you are not able to complete your prework, be sure to connect with us to develop an action plan for your personal success!

  • What happens if I need to push my cohort start date?

    Can you tell us why you’re looking to push your enrollment to a later start date? We can help you to do that, but we’ll need to connect you with an Admissions representative to go over details.

  • What can I expect to cover in the prework?

    • The Prework is broken down into four sections:
      • Algorithms:  You’ll work on problem-solving abilities by documenting everyday processes
      • Programming: You’ll learn how to write program code using JavaScript.
      • Software development tools: You’ll work with tools that software developers use regularly.
      • Preparing for the bootcamp: You’ll discover which resources and strategies can help you be successful in the bootcamp before it starts.
  • How many hours will it take to complete the prework?

    We ask that Students set aside 35-45 hours to complete this work in advance of their cohort start date. Be sure to get started as soon as possible!

  • Do I need any previous experience to get through the prework?

    No previous coding experience is required.  Our prework is designed to step you through new concepts and ideas so that when you start the bootcamp, you are prepared.

  • What happens if I finish prework and would like more things to work on?

    First off, congratulations!  Our prework is extensive and you have done a great job completing it.  If you feel you would like to dig a little deeper into a particular area covered in the prework, you can reach out to our Prework Academic Fellow, who can give you other work to help you build your confidence even more.

  • What is the best way to get into contact with someone if I have questions?

    If you have questions about the prework itself, you can reach out to our Academic Fellow staff through our prework Slack channel.  If you post a question in the Slack channel, you will either receive an answer from them, or one of your fellow prework teammates might help out.  It’s a great place to get to know some of your fellow classmates and start building the Tech Elevator community.