Is learning how to code right for you? Here are 7 signs you’ll enjoy it.

Person working on computer while smiling.

Learning how to code and becoming a software developer requires a commitment of time, energy, and passion. Before you pursue learning this craft and starting a new career, check out these seven signs that you’ll enjoy programming.

You don’t need to relate to all of these signs. Even seeing yourself in just one or two examples is more than enough to get started.

7 Signs You’ll Enjoy a Programming Career

1. You like to solve puzzles, riddles, and problems.

Coders and programmers are, fundamentally, problem solvers. If you can’t stop working on a puzzle until it’s completed; if you love brain teasers and riddles; and/or if you like breaking down complex problems into smaller components, programming may be ideal for you.

2. You’re naturally curious.

Are you the type of person who wants to understand how something works? When you use a new app or web tool, are you curious about how it was developed and why it works so smoothly? Throughout their careers, coders are faced with evolving challenges and unique issues that require ingrained curiosity.

3. You have a background in another field entirely.

Many of our coding bootcamp students come from backgrounds outside of technology. According to Vinny Sanfillipo, Tech Elevator’s Senior Director of Career Development, our employer partners like our graduates’ diversity of backgrounds. These new software developers can look at projects and problems from various perspectives, can positively impact the user experience, and can potentially foresee roadblocks that others without their prior experience might miss.

4. You’re solutions-driven.

In coding, you’ll need the curiosity to learn new systems and find unique solutions. You’ll identify problems, inefficiencies, or ineffective methods and find tangible, actionable, lasting solutions. You can take a solutions-oriented mindset into a development career, driving real change in the products and services we all use every day.

5. You’re creative.

Coding may seem like a career only focused on numbers and letters, but this work requires a creative mindset including visuals, sound, and other artistic qualities. You may not be a painter, sculptor, or musician, but you still need a creative mind in software development.

6. You’re a team player.

While many people imagine coders and developers working heads-down on solo tasks, the reality is that software developers work in teams. Being a team player is valuable across all technology roles, and working to become a solid team player will boost your career prospects and help you make meaningful contributions to the work you enjoy.

7. You’re determined.

We’ve already discussed how programming is about finding solutions to a variety of complex problems. Frankly, some of your solutions won’t work right away. It may take two, three, or a dozen tries to find the right solution. Without persistence, it’s difficult to thrive in programming, but with determination, you can enjoy a long, successful programming career.

Find out if coding is right for you!

If any (even just one!) of the signs above ring true to you, take the next step with our free Aptitude Test. It will help you determine if a coding bootcamp is your best path toward launching a new career in software development.

Written by Kalyn Breneman,
Director of Admissions